Are you a researcher using qualitative methods? Are you using quantitative methods and want to learn more about practices like ethnography or interview? Or perhaps you're not familiar with any of these ideas, but would like to know more? 

Welcome to the Qualitative Research Group! Whatever your discipline, we warmly welcome you to join us one Friday of each month for a writing gathering and presentation from a researcher explaining a qualitative aspect in their work.

Where: Buller Hall, 2nd Floor, Rooms 238 and 215

When: At least one Friday of every month

Who: Faculty, staff and students from all programmes

What time: 9:15-12:30 writing time (with breaks)

The writing session is drop-in so come and go as suits you; breakfast food and beverages will be served throughout. The writing time is divided into silent, short, focused periods, punctuated by breaks. If you'd like to learn more about this method, check out this youtube video on the 'Pomodoro Method':

For more information, or to find out the details of the next meeting, message